Please help us understand COVID-19

Please fill out our 2nd version of COVID-19 survey

Coronavirus disease COVID-19 is a major social and economic challenge. From our last survey we know that hundreds of you have been impacted by the disease. Since that time many more cases have been identified in the US. We hope you will help us.

Genes for Good is surveying to help understand why some people get severe disease, whereas others get mild disease or no symptoms at all.

Even if you've answered our COVID-19 survey before, we ask everyone to provide updated answers. We would like your help gathering the most up to date information as we perform analysis in partnership with The COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative

Even if you are not sick, you can help by answering these questions and serving as a comparison group for individuals who are sick. We are committed to making any findings from this research widely available, to help the community understand and solve this major challenge. With your help to learn about as much as possible about your experience, together we can ensure everyone is safer from a future coronavirus event.